Awareness is the greatest agent of change.

Eckhart Tolle

People Engagement

People Mentoring

Building a career in Cyber Security or switch to Information or Cyber Security domains from IT Operations, Software development and other domains. Get mentored by the best in the Industry.

People Cyber Awareness

Knowledge increases the size of your mental hard drive. Cyber Awareness training creates a Human Firewall to take right decisions at workplace or as individuals

People Placement

Matching RIGHT skills and experience to fill vacant positions in the Information and Cyber Security, Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC), VAPT domains.

Focus. Train. Empower.

People are needed to address the Global Shortage of 4 Million Cyber Security Professionals. Technical Professionals, People in all walks of life, across industries, Age groups need to learn and get engaged in Secure Data Management and Compliance process.

Fill Skill Gap

Hire committed, qualified and trained people, to become important Information Assets to be effective and efficient resources.

Real Time Dashboard

Dashboard informs and monitors the effectiveness of the Cyber learning campaigns in companies.

Cyber Safety for Women on Facebook Malware Attacks Mastering Email Security: Creating a Strong and Secure Password
Cyber Awareness Campaigns

Up-to-date learning on Cyber Attacks, Cybercrime, Cyber Security, Safety Tips through captivating videos, news, facts and quizzes. We invite everyone to learn for FREE and make their family, friends safe in the online connected world.

How it Works?

Use the @cybercense platform for FREE. Enhance your knowledge and career prospects. Subscribe to @cybercense on youtube now!.


Let us help fill your Skills Gap in GRC space or Deliver Cyber Awareness to enhance your security posture.
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